Siūlomi seminarai

Sąmoningo kvėpavimo ir savireguliacijos būdai

Techniques of conscious breathing and self regulation: conscious even connected breathing, ninefold breathing, elevation of consciousness, chakra breathing. Feeling energies, to centre, cleanse, recover, develop one’s aura. Led by N. Gabija Wolmer These are very safe, fundamental breathing techniques that help to recover, calm emotions and mind quickly. They strengthen aura, chakras, harmonise physical, emotional and mental bodies. Moreover, with they help you can purify karma, return to the moment of birth, your previous incarnations, as well as harmonise your relationships with people who are close to you, strengthen your connection with spiritual world. When you learn these practices, you will [...]

Sąmoningo kvėpavimo ir savireguliacijos būdai

Kvantinės fizikos principai sveikatai ir sėkmei

Principles of quantum physics for health, success, development of skills, transformation of reality. Led by N. Gabija Wolmer These are astoundingly effective practices that comprise newest discoveries in quantum physics and spiritual development needs. They can be applied in any sphere of your life and bring unbelievable, creative changes, effectively solve problems and improve any field of your life. These practises help you connect with a spiritual principle of creation and are very related with gratitude and creativity. They are very good after deep emotional and physical traumas, losses or situations where we cannot reach a result for a long time.   [...]

Kvantinės fizikos principai sveikatai ir sėkmei

Sakralioji geometrija

Sacred geometry. Led by N. Gabija Wolmer Sacred geometry for self development, spiritual cleansing, inner transformation. During this course, by the means of meditation, breathing, colours and forms we experience a relation of sacred geometry with human emotions, karmic and spiritual patterns, and we apply perfect forms of sacred geometry and colours for inner transformation, creation of oneself in a new quality employing perfect forms of sacred geometry, breathing, colour, meditation.   N. Gabija Wolmer has chosen a spiritual path since 1986 when she got acquainted with Buddhist world. Later she studied at an institute of Buddhist studies, got initiations for certain [...]

Sakralioji geometrija

Gyvoji astrologija

Living astrology – self perception with a help of astrology. Led by Daiva Kristina Markauskienė. The basics of Astrology, that help to percieve yourself and the world, to recognize weak and strong qualities, risky and auspicious spheres, direction of evolutional development. This knowledge will help to find the answers to the questions, how to harmonize complex situations of life, also optimally realize own abilities and talents, considering own nature and psychological type. What is your mission in this life? How to communicate with differnt types of people? One of the parts of the course – astrodrama – helps to feel the [...]

Gyvoji astrologija

Prigimtinis sąmoningas kvėpavimas

Rebirhing - conscious breathing. Led by Lina Rudaitienė Rebirthing technique training. The transformation of negative thoughts, feelings, experiences to positive, learning how to focus the consideration during the breathing. The stimulation of cardinal, long-term inner changes, self cognition, the search for the essential needs of spirit, the search of values and adaptation in everyday life. The training to percieve and control the inner processes, to understand them correctly, to reach for more conscious life, the cognition of own spiritual nature, realization. Lina Rudaitienė, N. Gabija Wolmer student, studied the practicies of Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai Academy Feng Shui, Base Feng Shui courses. She was [...]

Prigimtinis sąmoningas kvėpavimas

Sąmoninga meilė ir partnerystė

Conscious love and partnership. Led by Lina Rudaitienė Love, its cognition, the perception of relation with love, the changing. Partnership, reconcilement, deeper, wider perception of partnership, changing. Male and Female energy, their differences, the union of opposites, reciprocity. Love and partnership, responsibilities, obligations, the conception of general goals and General way of life. How partnership changes during the time, when our needs, interests and values change? The creation of succesfull conscious relations. Lina Rudaitienė, N. Gabija Wolmer student, studied the practicies of Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai Academy Feng Shui, Base Feng Shui courses. She was ordained by Kirti Tsenshab Rimpoche into [...]

Sąmoninga meilė ir partnerystė

Kvėpavimas vandenyje besilaukiančioms

Plukdymo, masažo, jogos, kvėpavimo sesijos besilaukiančioms ,,AQUA LIFE" - laisvas, saugus, prasmingas gyvenimas vandenyje. Kūdikių, vaikų plukdymai, nardymai, mankštos, masažai vandenyje pagal amžiaus tarpsnius. Tėvų apmokymas saugios savarankios praktikos su kūdikiais ir vaikais. Šeimų, atpalaiduojančios terapijos vandenyje. Bijančių vandens terapinės sesijos - galimybė susidraugauti su vandeniu. Veiklių žmonių efektyvus poilsis ir atsistatymas vandenyje. Harmoningas laukimas, sąmoningas pasiruošimas, švelnus susitikimas” Nėščiųjų, besilaukiančių porų terapija vandenyje: joga, atpalaiduojantys masažai, plukdymai, šokis, kvėpavimo, praktikos, meditacija, pasiruošimo gimdymui praktikos, išplukdymai prieš gimdymą. Individualios sesijos bei patyriminės praktikos grupėje. Veda Giedrė Paršeliūnienė Kineziterapeutė (bakalauras, magistras), jogos vadovė (terapinės, intuityviosios, oro jogos, vandenyje), sąmoningo sujungto kvėpavimo, rebefingo, [...]

Kvėpavimas vandenyje besilaukiančioms

Experience week in Kalnuotė community 2023

Experience week in Kalnuotė community is an introduction to the Kalnuotė community for those who are interested in living in the community, community activities, or just want to learn more about our community. We call ourselves a spiritual community because we are created by having the dream of practicing together. We also promote a healthy conscious lifestyle: we don’t drink alcohol, and we don’t smoke, and we practice various exercises, like Yoga, TaiChi, and promote healthy Food. The community is located in the district of Vilnius, in a beautiful place, with its own forest, prunes, tidy and carefully maintained environment. The [...]

Experience week in Kalnuotė community 2023

Experience week in Kalnuotė community 2022

Experience week in Kalnuotė community is an introduction to the Kalnuotė community for those who are interested in living in the community, community activities, or just want to learn more about our community. We call ourselves a spiritual community because we are created by having the dream of practicing together. We also promote a healthy conscious lifestyle: we don’t drink alcohol, and we don’t smoke, and we practice various exercises, like Yoga, TaiChi, and promote healthy Food. The community is located in the district of Vilnius, in a beautiful place, with its own forest, prunes, tidy and carefully maintained environment. The [...]

Experience week in Kalnuotė community 2022

Erasmus courses

Techniques of conscious breathing and self regulation: conscious even connected breathing, ninefold breathing, elevation of consciousness, chakra breathing. Feeling energies, to centre, cleanse, recover, develop one’s aura. Led by Nijolė Gabija Wolmer These are very safe, fundamental breathing techniques that help to recover, calm emotions and mind quickly. They strengthen aura, chakras, harmonise physical, emotional and mental bodies. Moreover, with they help you can purify karma, return to the moment of birth, your previous incarnations, as well as harmonise your relationships with people who are close to you, strengthen your connection with spiritual world. When you learn these practices, you will [...]

Erasmus courses
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