Community can change the world for the better
You can also contribute – join the joint creation with works and ideas
The Kalnuote eco community connects people who value spirituality, ecology, a healthy and virtuous lifestyle. The community was formed from N.G. The experiences of Wolmer students participating in various activities together, sharing information: it naturally grew out of the Three Jewels club.
Here we gather, communicate, dream, work together, rest and celebrate, create a park, build residential houses. We want peace for ourselves and our children, for the whole world, we love the earth, life, we value freedom and tolerance, diversity, we have many creative ideas. We live by protecting the earth, the environment, and each other.
You are welcome in Kalnuote
Communities are a very important form of human coexistence.
If you want to learn at your own time and speed, one of our e- training packages can easily reach you.
Kalnuote community life
from an ecological lifestyle, creativity development, conscious breathing to various spiritual teachings.